Got a news tip?

How to reach us

How to send The Seattle Times a confidential message

The Seattle Times has a proud history of investigative reporting that continues today.

In many cases, that reporting is made possible by tips from the public. Good tips are clear, specific, have documents or evidence to back them up and involve a problem with real-world consequences.

Do you have sensitive information that we should consider investigating? We’d love to hear from you, and you can reach our investigative team at

If you have a general news tip, the fastest way to reach the newsroom is through our general contact page. If you want to reach a specific reporter, try our newsroom staff list.


Signal is a free app that provides end-to-end encrypted communication for text, photos, videos and calls. It’s a great way to open communication with a Seattle Times reporter, and is one of the most secure methods of keeping your messages confidential, since neither the contents nor the metadata is available to third parties. You can download Signal from iTunes or Google Play.

How to contact an investigative reporter on Signal:

Daniel Beekman, Politics & Neighborhoods, 206-464-2164

Jim Brunner, Government and politics, 206-214-8789

Sydney Brownstone, Investigations, 610-247-9636

Dominic Gates, Boeing/Aerospace, 206-683-5329

Yihyun Jeong, Breaking news, 602-321-8719

Jonathan Martin, Investigations, 206-632-3542

Rebecca Moss, Investigations, 505-603-1143

Lulu Ramadan, Investigations, 561-767-1419

Mike Reicher, Investigations, 503-741-9152

Nina Shapiro, Social issues/Enterprise, 206-464-3303

Sarah Grace Taylor, Seattle City Hall, 206-984-0326

Encrypted email

We welcome encrypted emails using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), software that generates a public and private key that you can use to encrypt and decrypt messages. Using our public key and a browser extension, such as Mailvelope, you can encrypt your email messages. Here are some guides to setting up PGP on Windows or Mac.

PGP is designed to prevent third parties from reading the contents of your e-mail, but it does not necessarily protect the metadata (who you’re talking to or when messages were sent). We recommend setting up a brand new anonymous e-mail account, and connecting through a wifi access point away from home and work.

You can contact us with encrypted email at Our public key is available here.

If you'd like to reach a specific investigative reporter, here's how to contact them:

Jim Brunner
Government and politics

Postal mail

Mail delivered through the postal service can also help protect your identity and is a great way of sending documents. We recommend that you put the letter or package in a public mailbox instead of going to a post office facility. We also recommend you do not include a return address on the front of the package.

Our address:
Investigations editor
The Seattle Times
1000 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109