Chelsea Clinton spoke in Seattle before supporters of her mother’s presidential campaign and attended a fundraiser.

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Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary and Bill and vice chair of the Clinton Foundation, received an excitedly loud and enthusiastic reception from about 750 supporters when she spoke on behalf of her mother’s presidential campaign at Town Hall in Seattle on Saturday afternoon.

In a conversational exchange with the devotedly liberal audience, Clinton declared herself “ridiculously, fiercely proud to be my mother’s daughter.”

She decried what she called “the Trump effect” as having stirred fear and anger across the country. She said that on the campaign trail she’s met the children of immigrants who are scared by Trump’s rhetoric.

She said that to heal the damage caused by the contentious election, if Hillary Clinton wins, as president she will try to address the economic dislocation that is one source of Trump’s support.

However, Clinton said her mother would not “compromise with bigotry” and would stand strongly against racism and Islamophobia.

The appearance at Town Hall followed a fundraiser earlier in the day for the Hillary Victory Fund, which supports the presidential campaign and other Democrats running for office.

Clinton has taken a leave of absence from the Clinton Foundation to campaign. She said that after the election she will “go back to my work in New York.”